Westborough, Massachusetts · Human Ecology
Westborough, Massachusetts · Human Ecology
Twitter: @paddygreenfield
Facebook: jamesmccloskey3
Tell us about what you're doing with your life.
I work in the mutual fund industry, interfacing with clients and advisors of multiple mutual fund firms. I also test computer systems. In my spare time, I swim, kayak, hike, engage in social media, politics, and charity, maintain close friendships and family relationships, exercise, meditate, pray, and read.
What advice would you give to a student starting at Cornell this year?
Get organized quickly so you don't get overwhelmed. Maintain interests outside of class. Exercise a lot. Be very giving to the people around you. Develop deep friendships and stay close to your family.
What extracurricular activity or hobby from your time at Cornell was the most meaningful?
The political scene. I went against the grain politically, being the chairman of the College Republicans, and writing op-ed columns for the Cornell American and Cornell Review. Took a stand on the issues of the day, and met many great people doing so.
What are you most looking forward to at Reunion 2015?
Reconnecting with (and making new) friends. Doing as many outdoor activities as possible, like kayaking, canoeing, bungee jumping, and perhaps the 2-mile run. Hope we score a good band to have a concert with. Rush would be my first choice!