"Cornell students dream bigger dreams."

--Frank H.T. Rhodes, Cornell University Commencement, May 28, 1995

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Report from Campus - Reunion 2014

This past weekend our Class of 1995 Reunion Chairs, Lisa Powell Fortna and Michael Stroud, traveled back to Ithaca to attend Reunion. They and their committee are already hard at work planning for our 20th next year (take a deep breath, sit down if you need to – it HAS been that long). Here's their report from campus and some hints about what to expect in 2015:

Hey 95ers ...

This past weekend marked less than a year until our 20th reunion back on the hill in Ithaca. We had an excellent time – lots of fun with classmates and friends and a chance to see all the changes and improvements on campus. It looks great!  We even ran into one of our most distinguished "class members" – President Frank Rhodes, who said he would join us next year in Ithaca for his reunion year.

Reunion Chair Lisa Powell Fortna with Frank Rhodes and Rosa Carlson

Besides the variety of great ways for alums to reconnect with classmates and Cornell, there were a ton of fun activities for families and kids. The Fun in the Sun event featured jugglers, moon bounces, cotton candy, and even a sighting of the Big Red Bear. The Cornell Creamery tours were popular for anyone, especially those who happen to like Cornell ice cream (everyone) – and the weather was perfect for it.  Those activities and more are on tap for next year as well. We'll see what we can do about the weather. When you make your plans for 2015, make sure to bring your family - you may end up with a future Cornellian or two.

Reunion Chairs Michael Stroud and Lisa Powell Fortna

Get excited and ready to have a great time next year, June 4-7, 2015. Put it on your calendar now and keep an eye out here, on the class Facebook page and Twitter account, and the email list for lots more information in the months to come.

And if you're interested in helping, please contact cornell95faces@gmail.com.