Twitter: @jessburbia
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
Tell us about what you're doing with your life.
I'm trying to do it all!
For the past 6 years I've been the Finance Director for a growing computer security firm, Matasano Security, while raising our two kids, currently 5 and 2, and I write a monthly email newsletter (sign up here—http://eepurl.com/KFPSb) that provides advice, book/movie/music recommendations, and links to pop culture articles laced with insight and humor on how to make it count as we juggle all the different facets of our busy lives.
What was your favorite class at Cornell, or the one you found the most useful?
HDFS 362, Human Relationships Across the Life Span, or LOVE with Professor Cindy Hazan. It seems like since graduation, a week hasn't gone by without me relaying some fact I learned (or at this point have mis-remembered that I learned) from that class: close friendships, family relationships, intimate relationships, and even semi-close friendships—it was all in there!
Through my career as a job recruiter, career coach, and HR generalist always relating to people and how they may or may not feel, it all comes back to LOVE. Awwwww. But I mean the Hum Ec course "LOVE".
Not love love (necessarily).
What is your favorite memory of your time at Cornell?
The semester I spent in DC was truly special. Being on my own in a city for the first time with the support of the CIW program, its staff, and my fellow CIW classmates and friends really made me courageous and have a sense of adventure when I left the cocoon of college a semester later.
What random or surprising encounters with Cornell or Cornellians have you experienced since you left?
In Brooklyn, we did two amazing family photos shoots with Virginia L.S. Freire '98 of Virginia L. S. Freire Photography. Only when Virginia & I were saying good-bye when I moved to Long Island did we realize the Cornell connection!
Last fall, at a networking event in my new town on LI, I ran into Amanda Perez Leder '98. A fun personal & professional friendship has ensued.
My sister (not a Cornellian) moved to London & within a few months she randomly met Lee Levansky Matthews '03 while out & about. She's now a great friend to both of us.