Name at Cornell
Ginny Ryan
Tell us about what you're doing with your life.
I lead a fairly crazy existence trying to stay a half step ahead of my four kids, clinical and research roles at a Reproductive Endocrinologist at the University of Iowa Hospitals, and community work on the board of our local Girls on the Run council. Finding time for my husband and my physical health is a rare bonus! My life is frenetic but extremely gratifying.
What is your favorite memory of your time at Cornell?
Times spent running through the beautiful trails of Ithaca with teammates and friends from the track and cross-country teams.
What advice would you give to a student starting at Cornell this year?
As much as possible while preserving your sanity, take advantage of all the once-in-a-lifetime academic, extracurricular, and community opportunities at this amazing school!
What does being a Cornell alumnus mean to you?
I am incredibly proud to be an alum, and I look forward to encouraging my children to begin a legacy of attendance. I am certain that I would not be in this very privileged position without my Cornell education and experience!